All About Relationship

Roberto Rodriguez

Coaching & Consulting


If you’ve landed on this page it’s because you already know me or because someone has recommended me or my work to you.  This website is here as a portal for future conversations and engagement.  To that end, I offer you a few words to summarize my work, my background, and a way to facilitate future communication and/or to schedule sessions.  Thank you for visiting.

“Go toward the trouble. Be with the trouble.”


The call to Adulthood and Eldering

Why I’m Here

The times we live in require that each of us shows up with our gifts to help each other grow healthier and more connected, that we may, in turn, team up to serve the well-being of the whole living world.  Maybe this has been the call to adulthood throughout all of human history, and we’re just feeling the dire consequences of the ways that humanity has failed to take up this call.

Looking back on my personal story, I can now say with more confidence (and evidence) than ever, that my response to the call toward Adulthood and Eldering, has been to focus on the complexity of human relating (inwardly, interpersonally, and systemically ).  I know the world needs so much more, AND this is where my questing and contribution have landed me.

 So, in case you haven’t heard me say this before: I’m here to support the human quest for Relational Wholeness: meaning, to grow in awareness and health, through meaningful engagement and service to humans and to the greater than human world that supports us.  To this end,  I offer the tools, skills, knowledge, wisdom, and heart, handed down to me by my teachers and ancestors. 

Relational Wholeness

My Coaching and Consulting areas

Relational Wholeness is what I call the developmental path that I am on, and it also describes the areas of human experience where I offer my support. If I were to describe them as separate categories (which they are not), I would say this:

1) The Dreaming Body This is the world of my internal body/psyche reality. This is where I work with my beliefs, patterned thinking and behaviors, my nervous system, my personal history, etc. My work here is to discover, understand, and tend to my hurts/traumas (big and small) and dysfunctional patterns, as well as to support my deepest longings and the expression of my personal gifts to the world.

My coaching here is to help you as an individual(s) to actively work with your internal systems compassionately and responsibly in order to effectively align your actions and practices with your highest and most life-affirming values and goals/aspirations.

2) The Space Between Us This is the field where I meet the other: the friend, the foe, the lover, the family, the team, the humans. In this space I’m cultivating the art of relationship: finding common ground, communing, collaborating, celebrating, and navigating differences and conflicts.

My coaching and consulting is to support couples, groups and organizations to identify the complex influences (personal, interpersonal, and structural systems) that inform their relationships, to identify their functional and dysfunctional dynamics(patterns), and to offer guidance and training towards more generative conflicts and collaborative processes.

3) The Liberation Promise This represents my lifelong quest to understand and be free of the dysfunctional and oppressive, and to embrace the healthy and functional, as they show up in:

  • my own and other people’s culture(s)

  • the institutions that have served me (or not)

  • the visible and invisible rules, laws, and values

  • the hierarchies of value that determine/impact our individual and collective destinies.

My coaching and consulting focus on helping individuals and organizations understand the systemic (social, cultural, institutional) assumptions, standards, and agreements that inform, influence, direct, or limit our individual and collective perspectives, choices, and behavior. Beyond helping folks gain an understanding of these invisible yet powerful systems, I present social structures and tools for re-writing the dysfunctional scripts that live within us as individuals, and for re-wiring the toxic/dysfunctional behaviors that show up in our personal and organizational structures and relationships.

4) The Dreaming World This is the world of imagination, of non-ordinary perceptions, of altered states, and trance states. This domain is well-trodden by traditional healers and mystics around the world, and is a source of great interest and controversy for modern researchers and lay people. Feeling encouraged by my study and practice of Processwork (see below), I have been deepening the new and familiar practices that grant me access to non-rational sources of inspiration, insight, and connection to the living world.

My coaching currently focuses on encouraging clients to pay attention and to explore their own moments of non-linear, non-rational perceptions and experiences as potential sources of insight and inspiration.

What I BRING to our coaching and consulting sessions

  • Deep Curiosity, Compassionate Listening and Attention, Playful Irreverence, Stillness, Ancestors  

  • Regenerative maps & concepts

  • Collaborative social structures

  • Effective tools for Intra-psychic, interpersonal/intergroup, and systemic engagement

  • Nervous-system Regulation and Capacity Development

  • An toolbox of Rest and other Regenerative Practices

  • Structure and Accountability for Regular Rhythmic Practices

Relevant Life Experience

Processworker in-Training

Process-oriented psychology, also called process work, is a depth psychology theory and set of techniques developed by Arnold Mindell and associated with transpersonal psychology, somatic psychology and post-Jungian psychology. Process oriented psychology has been applied in contexts including individual therapy and working with groups and organisations. It is known for extending dream analysis to body experiences and for applying psychology to world issues including socioeconomic disparities, diversity issues, social conflict and leadership.“

(For more on Processwork, check out the full wiki article here. )


My passion for teaching and for learning was sparked when, as a 16 year-old martial arts black belt, I was given the opportunity and guidance to teach a class. I taught a range of students aged 12 to 25 beginner martial arts 3 times a week for the following 2 years.  I later went on to teach high school English, Spanish, as well as martial arts and dance to people of all ages. I continue teaching today, and the learning path is still central to my life and my engagement with the world.


By age 28, my learning interests had shifted  towards the study and practice of interpersonal communications, group facilitation, and conflict mediation.  Fortunately for me, in the years that followed, I received lots of encouragement and opportunities from individuals and organizations to learn, practice, and polish these skill sets.  By the time I turned 35, I began in earnest to offer facilitation and mediation services to the communities in my network.

Embodiment Coach

My early years of training in traditional martial arts and dance, my 3+ decades love affair with Tai-Chi and Qi Gong, as well as the integration of Processwork’s Dreambody process have all deepened my own internal development and what I bring into my coaching and consulting practice.

Bridge-builder and Liberation Agent

Growing up a poor, working-class, Latino boy in New York City, learning to navigate the brown and black worlds at home, and the white world at-large, living in different parts of the country and the world, and being drawn to the parts of the human experience mentioned above,  it should come as no surprise that some of my work has focused on helping our communities figure out how to build bridges within and across differences of race, class, gender, etc.  This work in the community is particularly compelling at this stage in my life.

Contact Me

Use the form here to reach out to me with questions about my work, scheduling, or just to say hello!